Welcome to week 36! The nursery is complete. The batteries and diapers are stocked. The car seat is installed and the bags are packed. Basically, we're ready!! Of course, there are always odds and ends to tie up but Addison could come tomorrow and we would be prepared. The biggest things we have left to do are labor exercises and practicing some breathing techniques.
The doc was concerned with how Addison was measuring so we got an unexpected sonogram on Thursday. No need to worry. She measured right on course. She actually was measuring a day ahead of schedule. The bad news is that she has dropped below Brandys pelvis and is causing some unnecessary pain. Brandy is soldiering through beautifully. Here are some scans of the sonogram.

Those are some big lips. The next Angelina Jolie?
We can't wait to meet our beautiful child! Here's the newest pic of Brandy and "the belly."
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