Monday, December 28, 2009

Ho Ho Holy Crap...

"Get her out!" All of the late pregnancy cliches have been said recently in the Gillot household. Brandy is in good spirits, but simple tasks seem to take increasingly more effort. Rightfully so, Sunday marked the 39th week. Here's a photo to prove that Christmas really did happen this year. Although you wouldn't be able to tell by the looks of our house. We did manage to put up the 1.5 foot tall fiber optic tree to appease our friend Martha who forewarned us that no tree equals bad luck for the coming year. Happy Holidays! Here's to not overshooting the due date.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sending Addy thoughts of urgency and claustrophobia!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come out baby girl......we're ALL ready to meet you!

    Lori G
