Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's in a name?

This sweet baby girl has affectionately been called by many names. Peanut and sea monkey seemed appropriate when looking at early sonograms but we have decided that it is time to give our little girl her official name.

Addison Nicole Gillot

Addison is a very special name and has been at the top of our favorite girl names for some time. Nicole is my middle name and we decided early on that we wanted to pass along a family name. Addy will make her grand arrival in 17 weeks. Can you believe it? She will be here before we know it.

Here are some pics of Addison's parents at 21 weeks.

Eddie is taking the sympathy pains a bit too seriously.


  1. Eddie you go right ahead with those sympathy pains. You have been a great hubby with everything going on. I just need to tell everyone I felt my little Addison kick yesterday. She is giving her Mom a run for her money. And Brandy is loving every minute. I Love you all. Granny aka Linda W.

  2. Congrats to the both of you. Addison is a beautiful name. I am so glad to see both of you healthy and happy.

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