Thursday, July 2, 2009

Birthing Balls, Tubs, and Stirrups oh my!

Eddie and I attended a tour of the labor and delivery wing of the hospital. If you are in need of a reality check all you have to do is watch a labor and delivery nurse drop down the bottom part of the bed and proceed to curve her spin while rocking back and forth! She definitely got my attention after I convinced myself that it was not appropriate to break out into spontaneous laughter. Don't get me wrong the information was useful but the visual was above and beyond the call of duty.

We ended our tour staring at the newborns in the nursery. I will never forget that moment as long as I live. Looking at those beautiful babies and realizing that in a few short months our little baby G will be in one of those tiny beds receiving the first bath.

Walking down the hall of the hospital with Eddie's hand at the small of my back I know that I am exactly where I want to be.


  1. Holy crap Brandy. Don't make me cry at work! It was an awesome visit, wasn't it?

  2. You guys as so cute! I love that you have a blog. Watch out - with your great sense of humor it is going to catch on and you are going to have a lot of followers!
