A Few of my favorite household quotes....
Scene: Eddie standing behind me with his hands on my belly.
Eddie: "Baby! Keep laughing. The whole thing shakes just like Santa's"
Brandy: "Stop making me laugh! I am going to pee in the only dress that fits me!"
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Baby G and The Sorcerers Stone
Yesterday we had our 14 week appointment. This time it was with one of the doctors we had yet to meet during this pregnancy. We've met him once last year and he was very sincere and informative. He walked in looking awfully tired, but still very cheery. I guess that's what happens when you deliver 5 babies overnight, sleep for a few hours, and go back into work to see your other patients. Come to find out, he induced 4 and scheduled a c-section so that he could deliver these babies before he went on vacation. This was on the request of the mothers. That shows you how much this guy is loved. It seems everywhere we go, everyone wants to tell us how great he is.
As great as he is, he didn't sugar coat ANYTHING. He looked at Brandy and said, "Oh, you're going to have a miserable pregnancy!" Thanks buddy. This was in reference to the kidney stone that has yet to pass. He said that it was coincidence that Brandy got the stone this early, that pregnancy induced stones don't form until later in the third trimester. And that this was the beginning of a beautiful kidney stone filled life. Yippee! Brandy wants to name the stone. We're taking suggestions. My vote is for Damian.
Basically, this was just a quick in and out information session. He answered a bunch of questions and then let us listen to the heart beat. It never gets old hearing it. And this time he found it within seconds. The baby seems to be healthy. Brandy, on the other hand, could use a few prayers that she passes this thing soon. Until then, Damian continues to be a pain.
As great as he is, he didn't sugar coat ANYTHING. He looked at Brandy and said, "Oh, you're going to have a miserable pregnancy!" Thanks buddy. This was in reference to the kidney stone that has yet to pass. He said that it was coincidence that Brandy got the stone this early, that pregnancy induced stones don't form until later in the third trimester. And that this was the beginning of a beautiful kidney stone filled life. Yippee! Brandy wants to name the stone. We're taking suggestions. My vote is for Damian.
Basically, this was just a quick in and out information session. He answered a bunch of questions and then let us listen to the heart beat. It never gets old hearing it. And this time he found it within seconds. The baby seems to be healthy. Brandy, on the other hand, could use a few prayers that she passes this thing soon. Until then, Damian continues to be a pain.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Urine Horoscope
About a month ago my mom told me about a home test that predicts the gender of your unborn baby. She saw a segment of CNN about a product called IntelliGender. For those of you who know me well you can imagine the eye rolls and skepticism that followed. After much laughter and a little online research we decided to visit the local drugstore. The box states that this product is 90% accurate in laboratory tests. The real world results are 82% accurate. Clearly women at home have a much more difficult time peeing in a cup and swirling for 10 seconds than a trained professional. However, for $40 they suggest that you do try this at home. After all of the excitement and skepticism I returned home only to find out that I could not take the test because I was on progesterone. *Sigh* So I tossed it in the closet and moved on to my continued dreaming of my little boy or girl.
About a week ago I remembered the test. Eddie and I decided that we would take the test on Wednesday because we have a similar morning work schedule and everyone knows how fond the industry is of a pregnant woman's first morning pee. Like clockwork I was ready to tinkle at 5:00 am. I swear on average I have lost about an hours worth of sleep because of my new found love of the bathroom. I guess this is my bodies way of preparing me for sleep deprivation. I made use of the little cup while Eddie prepared the syringe and peeled back the sticker. Then he swirled like a lab professional. You should have seen his precision. Eddie jumped in the shower and I patiently waited for 10 minutes. By patiently waiting I mean standing inches away from the cup with a timer in my hand. I didn't want to miss any magic! The urine changes color to match either a lovely shade of baby puke green or a warm autumn orange. Green for a boy and orange for a girl.
After 10 minutes passed it appeared that when I was standing I was having a girl and when squatting I was having a boy. It was all about the angle. Eddie announced that it was much like a horoscope. It really means whatever you wanted it to. The insight gained is most often the insight that you were already in search of. My husband the Buddha! Nothing like a lesson in life at 5:30 am in a bathroom. Hey I guess you welcome wisdom whenever and however it comes. After a little urine and a little laughter we determined that baby puke green won by a landslide. That means that an early sonogram says a girl and an at home gender test says a boy. We will have to wait for a few more weeks for the tiebreaker.
Note to baby: You are exactly what you are meant to be. Guessing is fun but please know that I loved you just the way you were before I ever knew.

About a week ago I remembered the test. Eddie and I decided that we would take the test on Wednesday because we have a similar morning work schedule and everyone knows how fond the industry is of a pregnant woman's first morning pee. Like clockwork I was ready to tinkle at 5:00 am. I swear on average I have lost about an hours worth of sleep because of my new found love of the bathroom. I guess this is my bodies way of preparing me for sleep deprivation. I made use of the little cup while Eddie prepared the syringe and peeled back the sticker. Then he swirled like a lab professional. You should have seen his precision. Eddie jumped in the shower and I patiently waited for 10 minutes. By patiently waiting I mean standing inches away from the cup with a timer in my hand. I didn't want to miss any magic! The urine changes color to match either a lovely shade of baby puke green or a warm autumn orange. Green for a boy and orange for a girl.
After 10 minutes passed it appeared that when I was standing I was having a girl and when squatting I was having a boy. It was all about the angle. Eddie announced that it was much like a horoscope. It really means whatever you wanted it to. The insight gained is most often the insight that you were already in search of. My husband the Buddha! Nothing like a lesson in life at 5:30 am in a bathroom. Hey I guess you welcome wisdom whenever and however it comes. After a little urine and a little laughter we determined that baby puke green won by a landslide. That means that an early sonogram says a girl and an at home gender test says a boy. We will have to wait for a few more weeks for the tiebreaker.
Note to baby: You are exactly what you are meant to be. Guessing is fun but please know that I loved you just the way you were before I ever knew.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Birthing Balls, Tubs, and Stirrups oh my!
Eddie and I attended a tour of the labor and delivery wing of the hospital. If you are in need of a reality check all you have to do is watch a labor and delivery nurse drop down the bottom part of the bed and proceed to curve her spin while rocking back and forth! She definitely got my attention after I convinced myself that it was not appropriate to break out into spontaneous laughter. Don't get me wrong the information was useful but the visual was above and beyond the call of duty.
We ended our tour staring at the newborns in the nursery. I will never forget that moment as long as I live. Looking at those beautiful babies and realizing that in a few short months our little baby G will be in one of those tiny beds receiving the first bath.
Walking down the hall of the hospital with Eddie's hand at the small of my back I know that I am exactly where I want to be.
We ended our tour staring at the newborns in the nursery. I will never forget that moment as long as I live. Looking at those beautiful babies and realizing that in a few short months our little baby G will be in one of those tiny beds receiving the first bath.
Walking down the hall of the hospital with Eddie's hand at the small of my back I know that I am exactly where I want to be.
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