Nothing proves the second pregnancy is different than does this: When we were pregnant with Addison we had about 10 blog posts at this point and we now have a grand total of three. It's not that we love G2 any less (although don't tell Big Sister that), it's the all elusive matter of time. Where did it go?!
I like to think it went to the same place that missing socks go. Or perhaps it went to the tropical never-never land in the Bermuda Triangle. Wherever it went, it's not here. Well...technically it's here, but it's filled with, "Wait! Don't put that in your mou...oops" or "A, B, C, D, E, F, G..." and "I thought the appointment was at 11:30! Why do I have pregnancy brain?! I'm a dude!"
Other ways this pregnancy is different? I'm not worried about as much. The simple things that felt so pressing before Addison was born seem laughable now. Because of experience, I know that everything will work out one way or another. The things that I plan for will inevitably be bass ackwards, the things I don't plan for will bite me in the ass, and I will ultimately be taking a baby home whether I'm ready to or not.
My biggest worry is this: If loving a second child feels anything like the first then my heart might explode. Being a father has been an unimaginable experience and I am thrilled to strengthen that title come May 7th. May time bless this family with a healthy newborn baby.