Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Spy A Hamburger!

Drum roll please! ... Oh, the excitement is overwhelming! It's a girl! We are thrilled with the news and can't wait to welcome G2 into our world. SHE is already adored in my heart.

When asked if she wanted a sister or brother, Addison quickly replied, "boy-girl, Kermit, Piggy." To which Mommy proclaimed, "God, there better not be a frog and pig in my uterus."

Now that our list has been halved we're throwing names against a wall to see which ones stick. Her sonogram pictures remind me of someone...hmmm.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Here's looking at you, kid.

Tomorrow is a big day for the Gillot family. The three of us will load into the car and make our way to the doctor's office. We will wait, most likely impatiently and noisily because big sister will be there, for our name to be called. Then we will all stare at that jumbo screen on the wall to see if we can catch a glimpse of....well you know what we are looking for.

The most important news that we can receive tomorrow is that you are healthy. Finding out if we will be having a son or daughter is just a bonus. You are exactly who you are meant to be and we will be waiting to greet you with open arms and most importantly open hearts.

You are loved my sweet! Get ready to put on a show for us in the morning. Also, prepare to hear lots of laughter and squeals.

19 Weeks

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This Time Is Different

Nothing proves the second pregnancy is different than does this: When we were pregnant with Addison we had about 10 blog posts at this point and we now have a grand total of three. It's not that we love G2 any less (although don't tell Big Sister that), it's the all elusive matter of time. Where did it go?!

I like to think it went to the same place that missing socks go. Or perhaps it went to the tropical never-never land in the Bermuda Triangle. Wherever it went, it's not here. Well...technically it's here, but it's filled with, "Wait! Don't put that in your mou...oops" or "A, B, C, D, E, F, G..." and "I thought the appointment was at 11:30! Why do I have pregnancy brain?! I'm a dude!"

Other ways this pregnancy is different? I'm not worried about as much. The simple things that felt so pressing before Addison was born seem laughable now. Because of experience, I know that everything will work out one way or another. The things that I plan for will inevitably be bass ackwards, the things I don't plan for will bite me in the ass, and I will ultimately be taking a baby home whether I'm ready to or not.

My biggest worry is this: If loving a second child feels anything like the first then my heart might explode. Being a father has been an unimaginable experience and I am thrilled to strengthen that title come May 7th. May time bless this family with a healthy newborn baby.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's a cat.

Wednesday was a big day for us. We received excellent news about the health of our sweet little G2. He (or She) is thriving and received a clean bill of health. Wednesday was also the first day that we heard the heartbeat. It doesn't matter how many children you have or how many times during the pregnancy you get the opportunity, IT NEVER GETS OLD!

Addison is constantly asking for more G2. This means "mom go to the computer and play the sonogram video". She also kisses my belly on a daily basis and proceeds to say "goodbye G2!" then pulls my shirt back down. Clearly she is ready to be a big sister. Yesterday I asked, "Would you like a little sister or a little brother?" She promptly responded, "Cat...MEOW!" She might be disappointed to know that we won't be having a cat.

Sunday marks the beginning of our second trimester. Everyone tells me that each pregnancy is as different as the child that is birthed. This I believe. Something else that I now know is that muscle memory is a very real thing. It took me months to develop a baby bump with Addison. With G2 I was showing at 8 weeks. There are certainly differences but one thing remains the same. The love!

12 Weeks

Thumb Sucking

Monday, October 17, 2011

Gillot - Party of Four

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, kids of all ages. We are pleased to announce the newest act to our three ring circus. In early May 2012 we will welcome Baby Gillot 2.0, otherwise known as G2.

6 Weeks
8 Weeks
11 Weeks