Tuesday, October 20, 2009


1. There are currently items in our refrigerator that will expire after Addison's due date!

2. She now enjoys nestling in my rib cage

3. In my past dreams I have always been with my baby boy. Last night I was singing to my baby girl.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

84 Days and Counting

Little Addison is weighing in at a whopping 2.5lbs. She can stroke her face, suck her thumb, and she is capable of recalling sound. She appears to enjoy drumming especially if I find the energy to dance along with her. Basically she is brilliant and perfect in every way!

We have officially arrived at the third trimester. I fall more in love with this little girl every day. We have started making plans for her birthday and with every detail I become more excited. The birth team is assembled and I am working on my birth plan (the first draft!).

Below you will find some pictures of her newly decorated nursery.

28 Weeks!

Lining the letters up on the wall doubled as a team building exercise :)

The bedding is a gift from Aunt Paula and Aunt Mandy!

This mirror was a gift from my Granny. I love that this hangs in Addy's nursery!