Monday, April 9, 2012

Home Stretch: Week 36

Today is a big day in the land o' pregnancy. 36 weeks is when the doctor is kind enough to add extra pressure to your already achy lady parts. There was definitely a bit of discomfort (and by bit I mean I demanded an epidural) at today's appointment. During the exam I was thinking, "I don't remember feeling like this when I was pregnant with Addison...hmmm...owww...son of.....owww."

Then the doctor proceeded to explain how low the baby is and that I am currently 2 cm dilated. AHHH...HA! That explains it. I didn't feel like this with Addis because I never dilated. I went two weeks late and was induced. Needless to say the discomfort flew from my brain and I immediately began a pregnancy dance. I was not wearing pants and I am also not very agile so the dancing was in my head but I was BREAKING IT DOWN!

This was refreshing news. The past few weeks have been full of all types of pregnancy related "things" (just in case you are about to eat or want to eat in the next week) that I was sure meant labor was progressing. Even though this is not our first pregnancy many of these labor signs are brand new to me. These signals, aches, pains, and moments of "What the hell was that?" are all great signs that point toward the arrival of our sweet girl.

Today is my birthday. Today I spent the morning listening to Coralyn's heartbeat with Eddie and Addison. Pretty spectacular way to celebrate life. Mine, hers, and all of ours. Now we give thanks, pack bags, and wait.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

35 Weeks

Only four or five more weeks as a family of three. It's just as strange to think about that now as it was 30 weeks ago. I'm not sure if this will make any sense, but I still haven't completely come to terms with the fact that I will be getting to know Coralyn in one month. The idea is there and I understand the concepts of what is about to happen, but I still can't wrap my feeble little mind around it.

That being said we are surprisingly well prepared to welcome Coralyn into the world (Brandy can take full credit for that). There is still much to do before she get's here, but we are well on track. I could burst with excitement!

Here's Brandy and Addis at 35 weeks.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Almost There

Today was a big day. Every day is a big day when you are trying to get a pregnant woman and toddler to leave the bathroom and get to a morning appointment. We all loaded into the car and headed off for a doctors visit. I am sure the staff was thrilled to see us arrive with a plethora of paper work and activities for a two year old. (Insert Eye Roll) Today was the day to discuss our birth plan. I must admit I was a bit nervous. I joke that the difference between my birth plan with Addison versus my birth with Coralyn is that Cora's can fit on a post it note. After 36 hours of labor one learns to be a bit flexible.

In a nutshell the appointment went great! I have an awesome doctor who is open to me not only attempting but also achieving the type of labor experience that I desire. That may sound like a no brainer but not all doctors have this approach. He rocks!

We have discussed the birth plan with the doctor and have discussed the care of our sweet Addis with a few of our favorite folks. Critter care is covered. Consent forms are signed. The nursery is complete. It is better not to discuss the rest of the house....oy vey! But all in all we are gearing up and marking things off the constantly growing to do list.

In a few short weeks we will be checking in and checking out and heading home. Then we can move onto calling our girls by the wrong name and fearing the day when all our cycles sync. (Insert tears, eye roll, scary face, etc..) That is another blog for another day.

Did you notice that I typed our girls? GIRLS!!! Two girls....


Our girls!

My beautiful sister-in-law who is expecting her sweet girl a month after us. WooHoo for girls!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Names Names Names

There have been many names floating around the Gillot household the past month or so. The name "G2" made us feel like we were going to birth the latest transformer or the next software package to be released by Google.

Many of you know that Addison has been pulling for the name Abby Cadabby. This was a constant theme in Addison's naming convention. At the last sonogram when we found out we were having a girl Addison gazed at the screen and asked just one question. "Where is Kermit and Piggy?"

There was one name that kept rising to the top of the list. It was important for us to pay tribute to someone that is near and dear to this family. At first we thought that G2 would share the same middle name as this lovely lady. Then we had that magical WOOHOO moment and decided to combine the two names. Our daughter's name is......

Coralyn Grace Gillot

My aunt and dear friend provided us with the inspiration for this name. Kellie Lin is one of the most inspiring women I have had the privilege to spend time with. Although the "Lyn" in Coralyn is spelled differently the name is a tribute to this amazing woman. It was also kismet that about a week after we discovered that we LOVED the name Cora that Kellie showed me a picture of the name and stated how beautiful she thought is was.

Coralyn is without question an original just as we all are. Sweet Cora can be sure that her name is a combination of beauty, love, and inspiration.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Spy A Hamburger!

Drum roll please! ... Oh, the excitement is overwhelming! It's a girl! We are thrilled with the news and can't wait to welcome G2 into our world. SHE is already adored in my heart.

When asked if she wanted a sister or brother, Addison quickly replied, "boy-girl, Kermit, Piggy." To which Mommy proclaimed, "God, there better not be a frog and pig in my uterus."

Now that our list has been halved we're throwing names against a wall to see which ones stick. Her sonogram pictures remind me of someone...hmmm.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Here's looking at you, kid.

Tomorrow is a big day for the Gillot family. The three of us will load into the car and make our way to the doctor's office. We will wait, most likely impatiently and noisily because big sister will be there, for our name to be called. Then we will all stare at that jumbo screen on the wall to see if we can catch a glimpse of....well you know what we are looking for.

The most important news that we can receive tomorrow is that you are healthy. Finding out if we will be having a son or daughter is just a bonus. You are exactly who you are meant to be and we will be waiting to greet you with open arms and most importantly open hearts.

You are loved my sweet! Get ready to put on a show for us in the morning. Also, prepare to hear lots of laughter and squeals.

19 Weeks

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This Time Is Different

Nothing proves the second pregnancy is different than does this: When we were pregnant with Addison we had about 10 blog posts at this point and we now have a grand total of three. It's not that we love G2 any less (although don't tell Big Sister that), it's the all elusive matter of time. Where did it go?!

I like to think it went to the same place that missing socks go. Or perhaps it went to the tropical never-never land in the Bermuda Triangle. Wherever it went, it's not here. Well...technically it's here, but it's filled with, "Wait! Don't put that in your mou...oops" or "A, B, C, D, E, F, G..." and "I thought the appointment was at 11:30! Why do I have pregnancy brain?! I'm a dude!"

Other ways this pregnancy is different? I'm not worried about as much. The simple things that felt so pressing before Addison was born seem laughable now. Because of experience, I know that everything will work out one way or another. The things that I plan for will inevitably be bass ackwards, the things I don't plan for will bite me in the ass, and I will ultimately be taking a baby home whether I'm ready to or not.

My biggest worry is this: If loving a second child feels anything like the first then my heart might explode. Being a father has been an unimaginable experience and I am thrilled to strengthen that title come May 7th. May time bless this family with a healthy newborn baby.